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Re: Coping with mother's day

@BoJangles sorry to hear you're in hospital. I hope they are able to help you.

Being worn out is fair enough. Maybe use the time in hospital to find yourself and life again.

Re: Coping with mother's day

Thank you @The-red-centaur for making this thread.

Mother's Day is complicated for me.

I have a wonderful daughter who always goes above and beyond for me; another kid who I love very much too, who brings so much conflict and sadness into my life; a mother who used me and left me feeling like I never had a mother; and an ex who was always particularly horrible to me on Mother's Days.

I feel for you Red Centaur.


It sounds like you are really doing it tough @BoJangles Just wanted to say I read your post and I'm sorry to hear that. I hope you find some solidarity here on the forums.


Hello @Exoplanet @BlueBay @greenpea and anyone who visits this thread. Here's some flowers for you all.

6 proven mental health benefits of flowers


Re: Coping with mother's day

Sorry you don't have a good relationship with your mother. My mum's 93 and I can't get to to see her as She's in lockdown in an aged care home. I'd love to see her and bad with her any day not just mothers day. Maybe sit her down and try to talk to her because a mothers love for her child is unconditional. For most mums that I know anyway. Try and have a good day anyway.
Not applicable

Re: Coping with mother's day

@The-red-centaur thanks for this thread. I'm not a mother but I still have my Mum, luckily.


I just wanted to come here and say I'm very sorry to those who either don't talk to their mothers, are a mother and struggling, don't have their Mums around anymore, or anything else. My thoughts are with you all.


Happy Mothers Day to all those who are Mothers, or those in situations I mentioned above

Re: Coping with mother's day

@The-red-centaur am very sorry to hear about your mother's abuse and that you struggle on Morher's Day. Is there any way you can get out of seeing her this afternoon? 

Re: Coping with mother's day

@NatureLover I told my mum that I had to finish my housework for my house inspection tomorrow and that I'm in too much pain (both of which is true) so I don't have to see her.

Re: Coping with mother's day

That's a relief @The-red-centaur , and all true too. Sorry though about your pain. 

Re: Coping with mother's day

@The-red-centaur I did not have a good life with my mum either, she was emotionally abusive. She gave me mental illness from the trauma she dished out.  My mother died over 10 years ago and the damage shes done I live with to this very day.  You think one day that you will be free of all the hurt but the events have a way of continuing to haunt you even after they are gone.