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Re: Knitting


Great @Judi9877 . I can actually imagine child in Ukraine wearing these. Really beautiful thing that you & your housemate are doing💚 I like the colours too.


I have been taking a break from usual crochet. I'm not exactly sure why - it seemed to happen that way! Instead I have been putting my crafty skills into making mandala bracelets. It is a new to me - I'm finding that tying knots and making each knot neat & aligned is quite therapeutic. I will add some pictures. (I still need to cut excess cord & glue down ends) 


The bottom pink one on the right has a pearl bead in the centre. I found it out on the street! I picked it up and thought I will put this in a bracelet😊


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Re: Knitting

Sitting next to my almost 93y old mother while she knits for the next family baby @Judi9877 


Mum sure puts me to shame with her prolific output of knitted items. The expected baby is male so mum was glad to know in advance “what colour to knit”…yep she ordered blue baby wool online. She doesn’t like to knit in these “new” baby colours!! No point arguing with her at this time in her life.


Enjoy your knitting and crocheting @maddison @Former-Member @tyme 

Re: Knitting

Hi @Eve7 ,


Your story put a smile on my face😊


How amazing! I'm sure your 97 year old mother has knitting skills we could only dream of. Thanks for sharing!

Re: Knitting

Yes, what she knits is amazing @maddison 

My niece has been to a few baby showers and she always takes something made by Nana @maddison 

Not applicable

Re: Knitting

I agree @maddison. That is so sweet to hear @Eve7 - but also so special to have what could be a family heirloom with such strong generational ties to your mum. 💓

Re: Knitting

@Judi9877  whoops, I meant to say Shambhala - not mandala :face_with_rolling_eyes:

Re: Knitting

Wow! Pretty cool @maddison - on average, how long does it take to make a bracelet? With glue involved, it sounds fiddly!


Thanks for sharing a photo - I only just posted in another thread, asking to see a photo so I can see what 'Shamballa' bracelets are. Of course I can google it, but why google it when I have the SANE community to learn from?



Re: Knitting

Hi @maddison @Gwynn @tyme @Former-Member @Eve7 @Shaz51 @Daisydreamer and all forumites here.

Wow! Great work on the bracelets @maddison I’m very impressed!


@Eve7 I really liked hearing your story about your grandmother and knitting! My grandmother in my mother’s side used to knit and so did my mother when she was alive. I’m continuing the tradition with my knitting and crochet and I love how it keeps me connected with her. 

Below are some more beanies I’ve just completed for the people in Ukraine. I’m now working on an adult blanket 1.2m wide x 1.6m long in strips of 20cm wide. 


Have a great night!



Re: Knitting

Yes @Judi9877  and I wish I’d brought my knitting with me on this visit. It’s my Mum who is knitting but both my grandmothers used to knit, crochet and embroider…back in the day!

Re: Knitting

Hi @tyme  @Judi9877 

Thanks for the bracelet appreciation!


@tyme Yes I saw your other post first, asking for photo - I will post more, I think I'm getting better! And I agree, we don't need Google, ask away!


It takes about an hour to make bracelet. I ended up making 3 yesterday - it is great stress relief for me. They are easy, it is one knot, called the 'cobra knot' over and over again. It takes practice to get knot neat, I like that bit. 


You are right about glue being fiddly. It is not too bad. Only two tiny spots where they need glue, where the cord is cut, to stop it unraveling. It is the most un enjoyable bit though!


I'm going to add photo. 😊 Thanks so much @Judi9877  & @tyme  for lovely comments.


I read your post below @tyme  re: smiling mind app. That is exactly how I have been using it too, at night to help me sleep. I was never able to get into meditation before. I will listen to 'breath' again. Two I find most helpful are 'accepting' & 'fading'. It is best to listen to them in order I think @Judi9877  with the sleep challenge.


I recently downloaded insight timer app. It is really amazing if you want to try some variation for sleep routine. It is not as good as smiling mind app imo. It must be connected to internet to listen, unless you subscribe. It is so good, I would be willing to pay subscription, however it is over $80 every year, so nah - not for me! I like to be tech free - phone on flight mode when I sleep. I use it couple times a week & turn my phone off if I wake up later.


Sorry, I rambled on a bit there😄

