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When do you feel connected to other people?

When do you feel a sense of 'common humanity' - the sense that we're all in this world together and negative emotions, stress and hard times are common elements of being human?


The song "My Eyes" approaches it for me, but I'm not sure it's really healthy for me.




Re: When do you feel connected to other people?

Hey @Gwynn ,


How are you? I've been thinking about you. I feel 'connected' to people when we share experiences, when I remember we are all mortal beings, and we call share feelings of sadness, happiness, pain etc.


I feel disconnected when people don't seem to understand or they have their own agendas and ideas.


Then again, I'm quite content to have this balance as I there are times when I want to disconnect from the world.


What about you @Gwynn ?

Re: When do you feel connected to other people?

I don't feel particularly skillful right now, that's for sure.

Re: When do you feel connected to other people?

I guess I feel a common sense of humanity when people are just kind to each other.


We are all F***ed up in some way or another and we have all experienced different traumas, a little bit of kindness goes a long way for someone when they are feeling disconnected and alone. 


Negative emotions, stress and hard times are unavoidable sometimes, and I know how hard it is not to let them influence how I treat others and how I see the world. I'm guilty of taking things out on people who don't deserve it just because they happened to be there. 


I guess I feel most connected when things are just easy around people. They aren't judgemental or telling me what to do, they don't feel sorry for me or give me advice. It's just being around them for the fun of it. I have disconnected myself a lot from the world in the last 5 years, it feels like a long time since I have felt connection like that. 


I hope you are going ok and having a happy Friday. 

Re: When do you feel connected to other people?

Awww @Gwynn . I'm sorry you hear you feel this way.


Can you think of anything you or we can do to help you through this rough patch?


Please know you can reach out anytime.

Re: When do you feel connected to other people?

@Gwynn It's an interesting question, and it had me thinking a bit. I'm not sure I've ever felt connected to other people. I've always felt like I was in my own bubble, looking out at the rest of the world. Free to watch, but not interact. I don't know if being adopted made me feel this way, I just remember always feeling like this.