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Re: My Place

I have a veggie patch too and it brings me so much joy planting thing's, watching them grow and then eating them. They always taste better out of your own garden than the supermarket and you get a sense of achievement and satisfaction. I love giving left overs to my family and friends too, spread the love. I'm needing more and more help in the garden though. I don't have as much planted in there as I'd like because I run out of energy before I finish the watering. My sister's coming to live me to be my career in a month so that will make life easier. Good on ya, keep up the gardening, it gets you outside in the fresh air and sunshine and you can have a good time while you're doing it. Best of luck. I look forward to an update.

Re: My Place

hey @Gypsy-67 @Glisten @TAB @tonys 




lovely to hear about gardens. Will see what emerges… 

I do need t put more veggies in


SUCH an inspiration.


come on Apple… pull your finger out 



Senior Contributor

Re: My Place

@Appleblossom  been at my house 10 and a half months now and not  yet planted a Single Thing .. too busy slothing, trying to survive, trying not to go mad, trying to keep Centrelink off my back multiples of drs appts, tests, specialists etc  wha wah lol and study as well now ok and was surviving summer. re insulation, window shades , curtains nd getting a new aircon lol  Ok tiring just listing it lol 

will get there day .......... thx for the tag 😊

Re: My Place

@Oaktree @Hugs bella still an inspiration 


@TAB ya gotta do what ya gotta do


I never planted when I was moving around 


world would be boring if we were all the same 

Re: My Place



I am very unhappy today. My daughter, who is at college in Hawaii, isn’t talking to me. I haven’t heard from her since before Christmas. A few months ago I made the mistake of telling her that I probably wouldn’t make it to her graduation. I was going to send my hubby on his own. Someone needs to stay home and look after the cat and besides that I can’t afford to go. It’s not that I don’t want to go. Anyway she has rung my hubby 3 times in the last 3 months but refuses to talk with me. Here’s the thing, I was desperate to have a girl. I had two boys first and would have kept having kids till I got my girl. Now she hates me. I love her so much but she does nothing but hurts me. I don’t know what I can do. I messaged her yesterday to congratulate her on something I found out about her and she told me to leave her alone. I am so sad about all this. I am at a loss. All I can do is try to care less. So let’s have it Bro, lay some of your wisdom on me…

Senior Contributor

Re: My Place

Sorry I could not get to you sooner @Oaktree ..   Mate,  Its hard when its family hey.   If some one other than family, 

dusted you off like that,   you'd know exactly what to do.   And the truth of it    lies right there.  It a maturity

difference that only maturing can solve.  Daughters are usually closer to their fathers,  and sons, to  mum.   It becomes a problem when they play you off against each other.   Cant  feed that behaviour.  It will grow faster than your veg.    

You can only deal with the known quantities.  1..,   she either can't see or doesn't want to see the logistical and financial problems you face.   2..,   She knows that her  ghosting you is driving you nuts.


Me.   I would send a letter or get your hubby to explain the cold hard facts.     1...   Don't ever let her drive a wedge.         Very important. . .  . Your hubby has to tell her that she talks to  "both of You"   or neither of you...    Ideally ,   you should be with him when they talk,  just till she gets through her  immature thinking 

2   Be pragmatic with her.  Don't go chasing her.  Some kids love that.    So long as it is made clear to her that you will always be their when feels like     "ringing You"  then that is all you can do.


Kids are selfish.   Its a faze . . . But if you feed a tantrum an ice cream, That tantrum will last forever.


Disclaimer Alert.    Advice from an autistic person,   that never had kids himself...   that right there

is a plane crash  head on with a train wreck.   L o  L..  


I had lots of employees,   but I don't think that counts.      Pour a frosty glass of your fav, chill to some mellow tunes,   and I'll look in on you tomorrow night,  my friend                           tonys..

Senior Contributor

Re: My Place

A song with your dewy glass. 



I see @saturnzoon  is lost in the mist too.     This song's from the movie "two hands"      Hope it mellows you a little.  

Think you should go chat to someone at the hospital  Satz.  if you don't level out soon.


Take care folks.   I'm so tired I think I'll skip my bowl of ice cream tonight.    Hugs from tonys..



You see this guy, this guy's in love with you Yes I'm in love who looks at you the way I do When you smile I can tell we know each other very Well How can I show you I'm glad I got to know you 'cause I've heard some talk they say you think I'm fine This guy's in love and what I'd do to make you ...

Re: My Place

Thanks @tonys 


I have been chasing her. I keep trying to give her space but then I get upset and fire off a message. She is probably power tripping knowing she is upsetting me.

Re: My Place

Hi @tonys 


How’s the poetry for tomorrow’s wedding coming? You could always use this little gem;


Roses are red

Violets are blue

I’m in love

And so are you


I have been busy pulling the middles out of my straw bales. Going to put compost in the middles and grow peas in them

Senior Contributor

Re: My Place

Thats it   @Oaktree .   I'm going with your words one in hand . . . .  n  grenade in the other..


Your funny Sis...    dry humour..   luv it  n  need it,,     thanks sweet...   tonys.