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Re: My Place

All the little things… but fine ones @Oaktree 



Re: My Place

Beautiful @Oaktree ❤️

Hello @Appleblossom , @PeppyPatti , @Eve7 , @Meowmy 

Re: My Place

Hey @Oaktree ,


Those are awesome boots! And I'm sure the tea cup and saucer will be a hit 😀.

Re: My Place

Nice boots there @Oaktree ! Happy and flowery lol. Hope the laces don't get in the way... 


Let us know how you go with them in the garden!

Re: My Place

 That’s so funny @tyme 


@Oaktree Please send more photos……if you can and love that teacup…


@Ainjoule @Shaz51 @Appleblossom @Glisten @Meowmy @outlander @Jacques 




I think Im going to do a range of artwork ……..

Re: My Place

Love the pics @PeppyPatti !

Re: My Place

Dear @tyme 


dunno about you, but I’m feeling good being in Sane forums 


iv got some questions to ask : 


does this sound weird??

But saw my therapist and she said that my life is much better, because I have heaps and heaps of support. 

Just people following me around for over 12 hours per week , my Support coordinator watching over me and Psychotherapist…….on Sane forums to be the best version of myself. 

I metaphorically fall in a heap if I don’t get this.

Mr Rocker does all driving.

I get like: I guess; easy fatigue


Is this something that you would expect from having permanent injuries from having a head injury in my frontal lobal??





Re: My Place

@PeppyPatti , @Oaktree , @tyme , @Ainjoule , @Appleblossom , @Glisten 



 these have come up in the garden 

I showed the photo to my MIL who loves gardening like my mum 

🤣😂now she has given me the red, orange and yellow ones of these to plant in my garden 💛 

Ha ha and Mr shaz wants to cut some of the gardens out 😁

Re: My Place

@Shaz51 that flower is spectacular 🙌🏼

What does Mr Shaz want to replace the gardens with?

Re: My Place

Just lawn @Glisten 

Mum's Gardens are raised up a little bit with a rocks border all around 

Illustration of people sitting and standing

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