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Q & A 2015 Story by Fay Jackson (So funny)

@s-jay @Appleblossom Hope this is allowable on this forum it is from a Q & A on ABC TV back in 2015 It was such a good program.
ABC News: Fay Jackson on overcoming stigma around mental health (So funny)

Fay Jackson, deputy commissioner of the NSW Mental Health Commission, shares a story about her experience with bipolar and dealing with the stigma around mental health.


Re: Q & A 2015 Story by Fay Jackson (So funny)

@Mazarita I was deeply impressed when I read your post re Cameron. I too have been diagnosed with Bipolar 1. You summed up my feelings and thoughts so well because they echo my journey and experience so closely. I have repeated your post below to refresh your mind. We have much in common I should love to converse more deeply with you at some stage. Cheers for now and thanks for expressing my thoughts in your words so well. 



"Have now read back over the whole discussion and found it interesting and rewarding. Thanks so much, @cameron@s-jay and everyone who was here for the discussion tonight. 

As many on the forum know, I have a diagnosis of Bipolar 1. Throughout my life, people have consistently failed to recognise that I might have any kind of mental illness, by the way I present myself to the world. It usually takes me to actually tell them about it, and is often met with disbelief. And yet, I struggle to function in many basic ways pretty much ever single day of my life. 

I like the show's way of reflecting this way in which people with mental illness and people without can be virtually indistinguishable. This would not always be the case, especially for people in acute stages of their mental illness. But for many of us, it might be heartening to feel that we are not 'obvious' in our illness much of the time. Personally, it makes me reflect on the ways I stigmatise myself about my mental illness, something I will continue to work on freeing myself from!

Thanks again to all involved!"

Re: Q & A 2015 Story by Fay Jackson (So funny)

PS the thread of the Cameron conversation had closed and I directed you here because I think you might enjoy this short video clip by Fay Jackson who also has Bipolar. But this is a humorous side. Enjoy. 😉

Re: Q & A 2015 Story by Fay Jackson (So funny)

Hi @Elin, good to meet you. Smiley Happy

I'm not able to respond properly at the moment, but I wanted to leave this message to let you know I'd received yours and appreciate your words. I also wanted to post a message here so I will be notified when there are any more posts added to this discussion thread.

These days I spend most of my forum time in the discussion thread called 'A Long Rave'. You are most welcome there too. It's become a place where some of us post and/or chat regularly, sometimes at great length, sometimes briefly. Similarly the mood there covers a wide range from friendly banter to very deep issues, sometimes both at the same time! There are a few of us there with bipolar.

There is also a discussion thread that has been started called 'Managing Bipolar 1'. You might find that very helpful too.

Wishing you well. Smiley Happy

Re: Q

Hi @Mazarita, thanks for your kind reply and suggestions. I will check that out sometime soon. Much appreciated. Cheers from @Elin.

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