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Re: Far and Away

A cuppa sounds good @Former-Member 😀


Hey @PizzaMondo , I have put potato bake in the oven 😋 

Re: Far and Away

@Faith-and-Hope @Snowie @Glisten @Shaz51 @Former-Member Love to you all 💕

Not applicable

Re: Far and Away

Ditto @Zoe7  🤗💜🌺

@Faith-and-Hope @Shaz51 @Glisten @Snowie  🤗🌺

Daily dose of hugs heading your way 🥰🌺

Re: Far and Away

Nwww @Zoe7   so sweet. Back at ya 



Re: Far and Away

How are you and your Dad @Faith-and-Hope ?

Re: Far and Away

Good morning @Zoe7 

My Dad is doing well.  
I have had to leave him in the care of his neighbours cos D2 can’t stay too long with her sibs.  It’s too heavy for them along with their own commitments.  I set up a few things for him before I left, including an apt with a new dr, cos I wasn’t happy with what was happening with his old one.  When Dad saw how thorough, engaged, and proactive the new dr is, he “got it”.  The old dr hadn’t been available for an apt so early after Dad’s hospital release, so that actually made the transition smooth.

Neighbours are more engaged with his care now too.  Dad is so independent and self-sufficient that they were unable to see that he actually needs support with the heavier housework.  I bought him a stick vacuum while I was there, and they will help him change his sheets more often.  He had an effective short-cut, but with their support he doesn’t need to do that.  
I also bought him a tower drying rack, so he doesn’t need to hang washing out if he doesn’t want to.  I noticed him using it to finish drying things he had taken off the line …. he will use these things the way he wants to, keeping his autonomy, which is so important.

I scooped up my D2 and have taken a mini-break away with my cousin for her birthday.  It’s a beachside adventure, and just what I needed, or it would be straight back to the grindstone with my new-old house.

I am tired, but doing okay.  I have picked up some nutritional support which seems to be helping …..

Missing Jay though.  He stays with S1 when he’s not with us.


How are you doing ?


@Snowie @Shaz51 @Former-Member @Glisten @Emelia8 

Re: Far and Away

It sounds like you have done everything you can for your Dad for the time being @Faith-and-Hope He is so lucky to have you ❤️ I can relate to the fiercely independence but the little things you have done for your Dad will make a massive difference. So pleased the new GP is good also.


Also pleased to hear you are having a mini beach break. With so much happening for you, a little break can often help to recharge the batteries a bit. I bet you miss Jay Hon 😒 I am going to be away from Toby and Clover for 3 nights in a couple of weeks and I know I am going to miss them both. Mum is staying over nights with them so they will still be in their home (which will help) but I know it is not going to be the best for either of them. Tobes will be okay if he get s lots of attention but I am sure Clover will hide away.


I am doing a little better today. Still have a cold but the nausea and aches have decreased. Hopefully on the mend now but still exhausted so more rest and just doing what I have to do for the time being.

Re: Far and Away

@Faith-and-Hope glad your Dad is going ok. It is hard for them to give up their independence. Hoping you are having a nice time away.


@Zoe7 glad you are feeling a little better, hopefully that continues for you.


Hi @Glisten @Former-Member @Shaz51 


Wishing you all a good day 💜


Not applicable

Re: Far and Away

Hey there @Faith-and-Hope 🙂🌺

I’m really glad to hear your dad is doing ok at home, and his neighbours are more engaged to help him with the bigger jobs like sheets and cleaning 😀🌺

And a new GP who is proactive sounds great! 
I wonder…would it be worth discussing access to an aged care assessment team (ACAT) review with the new GP? 
theres also the MyAgedCare website that can help guide assessing eligibility and accessing a variety of different services, in case this is something new? 
And the other thing I though of if he’s limited in mobility is things like an easy reach grasper if he drops things, an over-toilet aid with handles if it helps to use support handles to use the toilet, a shower chair, maybe stuff like that..? here’s some examples from my local supplier for a little browse in case you might be interested 🙂🌺

The doc can also refer to an occupational therapist and they can assess individually for which particular items would be helpful, by speaking with you and your dad, and likely doing a home visit if you guys would be comfortable with that (not sure of wait times though, for an OT or the ACAT teams) 🙂

I hope that’s helpful..? 💜☺️

sounds lovely to be heading away for a little break - I hope you feel refreshed and renewed ☺️🤗🌺

And it’s nice to hear that some nutritional support is helping - decent nutrition is so important to all aspects of health (cognitive, emotional, and physical💜🙂) isn’t it 😀🌺


take good care and I hope your day goes well 🙂🌺

@Zoe7 I hope you’re feeling much better very soon! 🤗💜🌺



Re: Far and Away

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