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Re: Far and Away

@Faith-and-Hope @Snowie @Former-Member @Shaz51 New wall is up. Took all afternoon but well worth it. Tomorrow need to plaster then paint before I can put the cupboard back in. Cleaned up everything and had a nice long shower - just sitting down now waiting for a very late dinner to be ready. I might do a little of my painting after dinner - have set up in the loungeroom so I can sit down to do it.

Re: Far and Away


@Zoe7 How are you? When does school go back for you? 

Hope you're doing well. What project are you doing at home?

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Re: Far and Away

Sounds like heaps of work is done @Zoe7 🙌🏻☺️

All the best with finishing off the plastering, paint and  reinstallation of the cupboard continuing on tomorrow, and I hope you enjoy a nice relaxed evening with a nice dinner and some lovely painting  🙂🌺

Re: Far and Away

School goes back in a week @oceangirl but I have another 2 weeks off to begin the term.

Had to replace my hot water cyclinder so redoing the wall and cupboard as I had to take it out to replace the cyclinder.

Re: Far and Away

Thanks @Former-Member Pretty sore now I have stopped but should sleep well tonight. I will plaster tomorrow and should be able to paint Tuesday as the heat from the hot water cyclinder will dry it quickly 👍

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Re: Far and Away

Yeah I was thinking you’ve done heaps of work today @Zoe7 🙂

Plaster and pain next to the water heater will definitely dry quicker I’d think, too ☺️

hope it all goes smoothly, looking forwards to updates as you go, if you’d like to share 🙌🏻🙂

I hope you sleep soundly and wake up refreshed ☺️🌺

Re: Far and Away

Actually going to head to bed @Former-Member I had just a little of my dinner so plenty of leftovers for tomorrow 👍 Really tired and sore now so bed it is.

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Re: Far and Away

Hey there @Zoe7 🙂🌺

hopefully you got a good sleep, and all the best for todays work on the repair 🙌🏻☺️

Re: Far and Away

@Faith-and-Hope @Former-Member @Snowie Work on the wall has had to stop for a bit. Just spent an hour changing my tyre because the tyre place put the nuts on too tight. Took 5 minutes to change it when I finally got the nuts off but my back is now sore. Will lie down for a bit then go to the chemist before I can hopefully get back to the wall.

Re: Far and Away

Sometimes it is easier just to do things ourselves @Zoe7 

I hope your back is ok and you can get some of the wall done today.

Illustration of people sitting and standing

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