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Re: World Bee Day

I love this thread @Shaz51 

I used to have blue banded bees but they didn't visit my blue salvia last summer

Re: World Bee Day

Oh they look so cute in the pictures. I'm not sure I would want them in my home, but I know bees are very important for the ecosystem. So, yay bees. 

Re: World Bee Day

blue banded beesblue banded bees


awww @Dimity , did you have many bees 

Re: World Bee Day

there are some bees that don't sting @Ainjoule 😎

if they are outside that is good 

funny we had one in the car this morning 😅

open the window and he flew out without any worries 

Re: World Bee Day

I only ever saw 2 or 3 at once @Shaz51 . They're solitary bees - nesting in a little burrow - and don't have hives. 

Re: World Bee Day

@Shaz51 , oh wow! Thank you for sharing lovely Shaz! I had no idea there were so many types of bees! They are beautiful 😍 

Re: World Bee Day

I don't have any hives either @Dimity but see some in the garden which is nice 


Hello @Healandlove will find some more different pictures to share 


My BIL has been hives and gives us some honey through the year 

Re: World Bee Day

We mistakenly think flies and mosquitoes, cockroaches... are at best simply a dirty inconvenience, but they serve an important purpose. If it weren't for these insects the earth would be constantly covered 6feet deep in rotting carcasses, we would be vulnerable to many more frightening infections than these critters present us with, just because the decaying process after death would be badly slowed down...they hasten the biological decaying process...and mosquitoes help regulate our blood flow because they've an anticoagulant in their saliva. Also mosquitoes are attracted people with healthy immune systems, it's the female mozzies that bite us, and they do it to lay their eggs. There are some fascinating books, docos etc about entymology @Shaz51.

Re: World Bee Day

@Shaz51 photo of one of my son’s  Beehives. Stingless/Sugarbag bees look like tiny flies 🪰 


Blue Banded Bee heavy with pollen 


Summer in WA



Re: World Bee Day

@Shaz51  my beautiful daughter loves beesl. she carries around sugar water to revive bees who have lost their energy to fly.xx

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