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Re: Everything music

Absolutely re family @greenpea 

Re: Everything music

@StuF  then you should get it.  talking about robocop did i tell you about the police car chase up the freeway near me?

Re: Everything music

@StuF  ill tell you tomorrow slept really badly last night so am going to bed now.  happy birthday again my friendxx.

Re: Everything music

You had mentioned the cop chase @greenpea 

Did you hear anything more about it or anything?


I'm sorry to hear you had a bad sleep last night. I'm heading to bed meself. Got work in the morning!


Thanks again 🙂



Re: Everything music

I'm listening to O'Sister for the first time, and am really enjoying it.  It has a ballad feel to it.  It's programist, but has a lovely open interpretive sense.  A really good ballad. @greenpea,  @StuF ,  @Glisten and @Gibbs .

Re: Everything music

Soz @Abner in general I have never enjoyed ballads.

With perhaps one exception

Breakfast at Tiffany's movie clips: BUY THE MOVIE: Don't miss the HOTTEST NEW TRAILERS: CLIP DESCRIPTION: Fred (George Peppard) hears Holly (Audrey Hepburn) singing on the fire escape below his apartment and goes out to listen. FILM ...

Re: Everything music

@greenpea  shows how stupid they are. In a world with over 8 Billion people. Who the heck wants to rule +8 Billion people?

I can’t even find someone to go out with 😆

Re: Everything music

@Glisten  if i was a bloke and younger and living in wa i would go out with you!

Re: Everything music

@StuF  good morning to you! no nothing more about the chase.  have a great day StuF.  talk later. love peax

Re: Everything music

@greenpea  BAHAHA 🤣 chick, I think I’m older than you 😆

I’m a year younger than @TAB 

But I don’t socially fit into my age demographic.

My daughter is taking me to a TOOL cover band concert in May. I’m excited 🤩