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Re: Far and Away

Hey there @Zoe7 🙂🌺

hope the sanding is going well. 
yeah making meals that lay a few days makes life much easier for sure ☺️

haven’t quite started the Anzac bics just yet - I have a gas stove, and so I can’t use supplemental oxygen for breathing near the stove ..makes the day a lot slower. But, I’ll be cooking the Anzacs with electric oven once the stove top gas flame is finished with dinner 🙂🌺

hope it’s going well there 

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Re: Far and Away

I’d make sure there would be enough to share with you @Snowie  if you were in the neighbourhood 🙂🌺

Yeah, it’s so convenient to have spare meals, isn’t it! ☺️

sounds like a great idea having freezer nights, and relaxing for the evening instead 😎🙌🏻

hope your arvo is going well 

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Re: Far and Away

Hey there @Emelia8 🌺💜

@Snowie ‘s words are so very well said, I would like to kindly echo their words, and wish you a gentle day at home, with little Hannah to keep you company 💜🌺

thinking of you, and sending you kindness 🫂🙂

Re: Far and Away

@Faith-and-Hope @ArraDreaming @Snowie @Former-Member A really tough night and day here. My sister rushed her dog to the vet last night and we planned on saying goodbye to him today. She took him home to have the last few hours at home before the vet came but the little trooper perked up so much that they just could not do it. He is very sick and won't get better but they are having (hopefully) a few more days with him. I will be visiting again over the weekend to see them all again. He is the most beautiful fur baby and I do not know what my sister is going to do without him. I am grateful though that she has a little bit more time to spoil him and come to terms with the inevitable just a little. I was so grateful for the extra couple of days I had with Cat - very much helped me say goodbye when it was time. A very sad family here 😢

Re: Far and Away

Awwww @Zoe7 ,


Hugs to you. I'm so so sorry to hear how hard things have been with your sister's furbaby. They are part of your family. They are part of you. It's like losing part of you. I hear how much you are hurting.


Please know we are here for you.

Re: Far and Away

Thanks @tyme My sister does not have children so her fur babies are her children. I am really worried about how she will cope when the time does come😢

Re: Far and Away

oh dear @Zoe7 so sorry to hear that news.

It is so hard to lose a fur baby, they are so much a part of our lives.

I hope your sister gets a few more precious days.

Sending lots of love 💗💗

Re: Far and Away

I hope so too @Snowie but the emptiness for her will be tough. She adores her baby.

Re: Far and Away

Ohh sorry to hear @Zoe7 losing pets is so hard

Re: Far and Away

The emptiness certainly would be hard @Zoe7 

Even the thought just hurts.