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Re: World Bee Day

Ohh that is lovely 😍 @greenpea xx

Re: World Bee Day

Love the photos @Glisten 😍

Re: World Bee Day

@Shaz51  as you love your bees 🐝 

This website sells Native Bee posters for each State. 

Re: World Bee Day

Hi @Shaz51 


Thanks for all this bee info - although I am allergic to bee stings I really think bees themselves are great.


I wonder how many people really know how useful and important bees are - it would be a disaster if they all disappeared.


David Attenborough is listed high among important people - he tells us so much.


I hope you are as well as you can be


Mumma Bear


busy bee.jpg


Re: World Bee Day

Hi @Shaz51 


The only bee that I remember is the one which stung me on the butt when I was 5, I remember my Mum trying to pull the stinger out and me yelling my head off!!!!!!


Now that was a blast from the past!!!  thanks @Shaz51 


Re: World Bee Day

ouch @Asgard , yes i remember stepping on a bee 😎


hello mumma bear @Owlunar2 😍

Re: World Bee Day

@Shaz51 @Asgard @Owlunar2 @greenpea @Abner 

My daughter’s name is Bee 🐝 (Bianca)



Re: World Bee Day

Hey @Glisten 


I can't tell you my married surname here - true - it does have a lot to do with bees


How I wish I could say more but - alas - no - I can't



Re: World Bee Day

Hey @Shaz51 


How are you doing atm? - I know things can't be easy


Mumma Bear


Re: World Bee Day

That's a lovely nickname @Glisten. More people need to take an interest in insects because they're the army that maintain our environments, and they're vital to our food chain...and they're becoming extinct alarmingly quickly...and they're actually very interesting. Did you know that if you accidentally touch a cockroach, it will scurry away and clean itself because they think humans are disgusting creatures. I think that's hilarious; cockroaches and humans, it turns out are mutually disgusted by each other! 😆