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Something’s not right

Re: I can’t cope

Good on you @Captain24 you've got this.

The way you're feeling is valid and understandable and I'm really glad you've been able to step away to collect yourself

Re: I can’t cope

I calmed myself down. Walked back in as it was finishing. So now I’m sitting in the car park about to drive home. @Ru-bee.



Re: I can’t cope

I admire the way you are able to push through @RiverSeal.


I’ll have a look at that. Maybe something will resonate with me. You never know. 

I am listening to everyone and trying. @Snowie had some good suggestions yesterday. So I did write a list and let myself see what achievements I had done. 

I’ve got work for the next 3 days so that’ll take my days up. I have to focus on my nights. Saturday is already overwhelming me but I need to worry about it when it’s Saturday! Maybe if I just keep pushing I might make it through. 

I need to stop thinking so far ahead. Worry about the right now. 

Re: I can’t cope

just saw your message now @Captain24 i haven't seen Pix yet, would love to see her (am I right in assuming it's a girl? apologies if I'm wrong) @Captain24 


How's the lego set coming along? 


Overthinking/worrying can be overwhelming for sure, it's great to see you try out those suggestions! I'll leave you with a quote that I read recently:

"the mountain you've been carrying, you were only supposed to climb" 💗

Re: I can’t cope


This is Pixie @rav3n. Yes she is a girl. I have a boy and girl. 

I finished the Lego set


 I like that quote I just need to use it

Re: I can’t cope

Awww Pixie's such a cutie too! @Captain24 


The lego set looks amazing! 😍

My sister's been wanting to buy one of the flower Lego sets too, might have to get the same one unless you've got a better recommendation 😊

Re: I can’t cope

She is a little cute @rav3n 


It was pretty easy to do. There is this one and another one similar that are a bit cheaper. Then you can get bouquets in a couple of different varieties and an orchid in a pot. 

@Bow is the expert on lego flowers! They are her thing and Disney! 

How are you? 


Re: I can’t cope

@Captain24 I see, I'll definitely check those out!

I'm not too bad, caught a bit of sun this morning which was nice 😊 How about you?

Re: I can’t cope

@Bow the lego expert is such a great title to hold!


also what colour/design did you end up doing your nails? 😊

Re: I can’t cope

Currently building dancing Groot @rav3n @Captain24 


nails @rav3n? Pink with some floral stickers. Never used stickers before

Illustration of people sitting and standing

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