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Re: What to do

@Former-Member @Former-Member  Thanks I am still having a hard time I hardly slept last night and everything is difficult at the moment I am trying super hard to keep calm and just kind of go with the flow and not feel pressure it do anything and let things just be as they are but it is hard and idk everything is just difficult, I am still struggling with verbal communication and it is making things difficult in terms of getting needs met. Oh well I don’t have the space to put pressure on that anyway. I hope you are both going ok, I can’t really explain the other stuff going on with me but everything really is a mess. 

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Re: What to do

Sleep deprivation is the worse for our mental health, without medications I was only getting about 2 hours a night so I feel for you sweetie. It's awesome to hear that you are trying to be calm not always easy but you are trying that that's what counts. Sending you gentle hugs @Eden1919 

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Re: What to do

Hey @Eden1919, it sounds like you're trying hard at the moment, and things feel very chaotic and fragile. Thanks for letting us know how you're going when communication is hard. Sitting with you today 🌻 

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Re: What to do

@Eden1919 nice to hear from you.


I understand, I'm going through a bit myself, and I have insomnia so I never really get good sleep, although thats different to what you're dealing with I'm sure (I won't ask).


You don't need to explain, sometimes its hard to find the words and keep things to yourself, a professional, whatever you wish to do and feel comfortable with.


We're here if you need us, if you need a break we understand that too. We'll still be here. Take care of yourself and no need to feel bad if you don't come on here and reply, I understand. Self care is a necessity not selfish.


Just be safe and take care of yourself please xx 

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Re: What to do

Hey @Eden1919 , just checking in with you. I hope to day is gentle with you sweetie 💖

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