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Re: Self care by growing a garden

Sure did, used to bottle the above the very next morning

Re: Self care by growing a garden

@SJT63 😁😁😁



Re: Self care by growing a garden

Had a quick tour of the garden yesterday afternoon on arriving home. The seedlings have all survived but there is some ?snail damage to a couple. The snails are wreaking havoc with the dahlias as they come through and there are quite a few bamboo shoots emerging.  Some of the spuris irises appear to have flower shoots and one bearded iris transplanted from out the back has a bud on it so will be interesting to see what colour it is. We have broccolette ready for harvesting.


Today, as well as painting weedkiller on the bamboo and some lilac which is sucketing, I put out animal friendly snail bait got a bit of weeding done and planted an advanced punnet of pink gypsophila seedlings.

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Re: Self care by growing a garden

Was given a coreopsis plant today that I divided into three and planted in our colourful border.

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Re: Self care by growing a garden

Now is a great time to think about what we could pot up for gifts and/or decorations for the festive season.

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Re: Self care by growing a garden

Garden jobs done over the last couple of days:

- Filled our green bin with weeds over a couple of sessions in the garden. 

- Put two packs of cosmos seeds into seed raising trays 

- Potted some geranium and salvia cuttings from a friend

- Spotted 2x love in the mist plants had come up in our front cottage garden. In the past have found that once we get a couple get going we should find they self seed readily.

Re: Self care by growing a garden

Warmer weather today and tomorrow so did a bit of watering before it warmed up too much.


Filled the neighbours green bin with weeds.


Fixed and added a couple of drippers to our basic watering system out the front.


Pleased to spot some cosmos seeds germinating.

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Re: Self care by growing a garden

thank you for your caring @Appleblossom Heart

mr shaz planted those plants --- yaaaaaa Smiley Very Happy

Hello @Former-Member , @SJT63@Determined@Schitzo@Smc Heart

I think i will buy some more impatients as they grow by themselves xxx

Re: Self care by growing a garden

We have impatiens that come up every year @Shaz51 

Re: Self care by growing a garden

Tomatoes 🍅 tucked into their pots and watered and fed and ready to grow up their climbing poles !! What else are people planting for summer ?