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Re: My Place


Hi all, I just wanted to let you know as my forum friends that I have changed my username for reasons of anonymity. I hope that it isn't too confusing. Some of you know about this already.

My new username symbolises hope in my recovery journey. From a tiny acorn a huge oak tree grows.


For the last time,


Re: My Place

@Oaktree hey Oaktree, may you grow healthy and strong day by day



Re: My Place

Thanks so much @Meowmy 

That makes me feel like I picked the right tag. I love the idea of growing healthy and strong.

I really appreciate your words.




Re: My Place

Thanks for letting us know @Oaktree . May you grow strong and prosper. Great name.

Re: My Place

Thanks @Dimity

I think I love my new tag. Thanks for your kind words.

I chose it to match my avatar. I changed my avatar after a Thursday peer chat. I think it was @TideisTurning that said his avatar was a lighthouse and what it meant. Maybe correct me if I am wrong about which peer worker it was. Anyway I went and changed my avatar that night to a baby oak tree to symbolise hope. So to  me Oaktree symbolises hope in my recovery journey. I just didn't want to lose my forum friends in the transaction. I thought a bit about changing my tag but from what @Jynx said in the email they are starting to check usernames are truely anonymous so I think it was just a matter of time. Anyway I think I am happy as long as my friends realise it's me. I just hope that I didn't leave anyone out.



Re: My Place

Hey Bella Meggle


it can be affirming choosing symbols and concepts that speak to us.



Re: My Place

Maybe I should rethink my avatar @Oaktree ... it's a dormouse! 



Re: My Place

Hi Meggle


Great that you have moved on. I haven't heard from you for ages. My garden unfortunately has gone to weeds. I have some art projects that I've been busy working on.


I hope the reasons for having to hide your identity are nothing too serious.


I have a big day tomorrow. It's my fortnightly shop and it's going to be hot. Oh well, I could change the day but I've run out of most things so it's off to town I go.


Hope everything else is good



Re: My Place

@Oaktree = Quercus 🙌🏼  - new species Meggle Quercus

Re: My Place

Thank you for letting us know @Oaktree Love the new name and what it symbolises ❤️

Illustration of people sitting and standing

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