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Senior Contributor

Re: My Place

I hear you on that @Oaktree ..  And see your thinking.   My shrink always said to me that if you give someone ice creams when they complain,   you run the risk of training them to complain.  

Mind you,   he was known as a hard man.  But I have seen it happen with ,  'some'   the nations children

who then grow up to still be adult children,  looking for a mother to marry.  These  "big'   babies don't get the outcomes they just assumed they are entitled to,  we end up with record domestic violence. 

Of course I'm generalizing,  but I now have 4 woman that come and go from here that all were 

victims of the.    the  'Ice cream'   generation.   How many times  do you see the mothers of criminals 

say . . .   My boy wouldn't do anything wrong . . .    I guess thats why I would rather point out a positive

side to a negative,  than just toss one more get well card on the pile.  But  I do think a mix of both is important.

I'm not worried at all @Oaktree .   I have in the past had help regarding posting pics and protecting my privacy.  Also updates on actions taken against 2 members that were abusive to me.  sent in private emails.   I new I 

would not get feedback because I was well intentioned in all my correspondence.

Is it perfect.   NO,   but its about the overall flavour and intent,   and I'm never  ever abusive.   hey my friend.  Your a good example.


Your day may have got rained out,  but you took what you could not change,  and made it into something better. .    @Glisten   @SmilingGecko  and others on this thread,  and you,   set the bar high for keeping a positive mood and saving us all from endless drear n fog.  It keeps me coming back.   

Think thats why I like the poetry thread.   We can channel things into something there,   call it a picture n walk away.  And thanks by the way to Sane for showing tolerance in that thread.


Thankyou for you kind support sis.   Hug to you and hubby,  Have you had a look at a motor home ?

I'm making dinner for everyone so I better start scrubbing  spuds..     Kind thoughts           tns.

Re: My Place

Well said @tonys 

It’s the thieves that steal from the vulnerable. The ones that are only sorry because they got caught. The intimidators, the bullies. 
Being mean to someone makes them feel better.

A pox on all of them 


Re: My Place

Hey @Glisten @tonys 


I appreciate the support, sometimes I feel a bit sensitive I guess and if someone says something I second guess myself.




No not selling and buying a motor home or anything smaller. We live in a 3x1 and we are lucky enough to have the mortgage paid off. In WA at the moment there is a housing crisis so you actually can’t buy a house or even rent one very easily. Eventually I want to sell up and move to the country but the house needs fixing and I don’t have the money. Mid year I am expecting a 20k compensation payment from the Army hopefully so with that I will fix the roof, get solar and aircon. That will be awesome for next summer so I really hope that happens. Keep your fingers crossed for me 

Senior Contributor

Re: My Place

Thankyou for that  @Glisten .   Yes . . .    well I do wonder if we need to lock the parents up as well as their,  tantrum winging siblings.   We are a lucky n wealthy nation.  Are we raising a generation of entitled whingers.    In a percentage of people,  I think yes.  Then I come across so many young kids that just blow me away. Kind,  brilliant minds,  and beautiful, hopeful,   eyes.   Its hard for me to get a fix on the way of things these days. 


@TAB   Having trouble getting your thread to work.  Took 5 minutes just to make a support turn blue.

and can't even get to the last page .  Anyway,  was just going to say, I know  I haven't commented on your 

course because I  know you'll do it in your sleep,  top the class,  and be home for cornflakes. 

Guess thats why your board.   You need a  'real' challenge.


@Meowmy .    I find out your not eating your vegetables,  and it no TV for a week.   or leave your Zeros in the sun.      Come on Meowmy..    Vegies..      and some fruit too ....  please . .  for  tonys.. 😊   Sleep well travellers..    @Oaktree  @StuF  @ENKELI  @greenpea  @Adge   @Appleblossom   @saturnzoon   Hi  @Jynx   @RiverSeal   @SmilingGecko   OH yes

S G   you cracked me up..    You scoured every orifice of this arid nation on a crusade for the cheapest two cartons of Zero,   for a forum friend..    Awe mate,   You really are something  special. such a trooper.

Love your style mate.                                                              tonys



Senior Contributor

Re: My Place

OH yes @Oaktree   totally forgot about the 20 grand you have coming.  and I even booked a bus to your door ,    so I can be of assistance helping you carry that big check  to a bank of my

opps, . .   I mean ,    of your choosing.  Your Uncle tonys has much experience in these matters. 😁


Word of advice...   You see a chewed up 10 gallon hat on the horizon . .  shoot me on site..!      pure n simple.            gnite ny friend..            tns..

Senior Contributor

Re: My Place

 Having trouble getting your thread to work.  Took 5 minutes just to make a support turn blue.

and can't even get to the last page .  Anyway,  was just going to say, I know  I haven't commented on your 

course because I  know you'll do it in your sleep,  top the class,  and be home for cornflakes. 

Guess thats why your board.   You need a  'real' challenge.

.............................probs true but am not same person  that used to duck and dive , 20, 30, 40 years ago  tones

ok re 'real' challenge  ghost rider .. over 60 version lololololo.o start vid around 12  mins fm memory

Re: My Place

Re: My Place

@TAB @tonys @Glisten @Appleblossom @RiverSeal @Shaz51 


Just putting this recipe here for my future self.


Chilli and Garlic Spray

3x Habenero Chillies 

3x Large cloves of garlic skin on


splash of veg oil


Blend in blender and strain into jug

add squirt of dishwashing liquid and stir 

decant into spray bottle 



Spray on plants to deter white fly and aphids


Senior Contributor

Re: My Place

I use that exact same brew for mouth wash n deodorant,  @Oaktree ..    Ok . . .  I'm going.   tns

Re: My Place

Hubby and I planted 5 more Brussel sprout plants and some rojo garlic cloves into another raised bed this afternoon. These Brussel sprout plants are about 2 weeks younger than my others and are much smaller right now. Hopefully they grow ok.


@tonys @TAB @Glisten @Appleblossom @RiverSeal @Shaz51