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Re: My Place



If you are buying fresh manure from a farmer you will need to age it for at least 6 months in a pile

Re: My Place



Have fun at your workshop. Sounds fun.

Re: My Place

Hey @Oaktree thanks for asking. I have just come home from the workshop and the people were lovely. The gardening was relaxing and next week we are learning composting . I'm taking in a sample of my soil to be tested and taking a pic of my garden also. Happy to share with you. I really enjoyed it .

Re: My Place



That sounds great. You probably have real soil, I just have sand with a lot of lime in it where I am. I buy bags of compost but I also have compost bins for my scraps and cuttings. 

Re: My Place

I am growing lots of veggies too @sheba30 so much fun. I've just picked some to make tonight's salad.

Re: My Place

Hello@Eve7 , it is so much fun and rewarding and a feeling of great accomplishment to grow yr own veggies. It sounds like yr veg growing is a great thing to do. 

Re: My Place



See above message 

Re: My Place

@Oaktree ! I just read you got the LEAC position??

Re: My Place



My name still has to go past a governance committee and by the board so I haven’t quite got it yet but it is looking good so far. Thanks for your excitement 

Re: My Place

Oooo! I hadn't heard back. It seems like so long ago @Oaktree !


Fingers crossed!