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Re: Everything Birds

That is beautiful @utopia

Our willy wagtail is soooooo cheeky


Re: Everything Birds

Lovely @Shaz51 @Former-Member & @utopia 

I didnt realise magpies lasted that long @Former-Member it is a lovely story.

Birds often make me feel less alone.  Watched 3 pelicans positioning for a feed last week and birds from the train. 

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Re: Everything Birds

Hi @Shaz51, gotta love Willy Wags, happy little fellas chirping and dancing about. My S1 says its his fav bird - not do noisy. Look like they are wearing a tucks. How are u & ya family today?

Yesterday there was a young Butcher Bird chatting away to himself watching every move I made, so close. They are quite melodic and let out the loudest burst of song now and then. They look a lot like magpies but stumpy. Will try post a pic of one.

The birds make me feel less lonely too @Appleblossom, full of surprises, and chatter and life. Was watching a sparrow family teaching a baby to fly recently, so cute, poor little thing got up to first tung on the fence, fell off, second - flew a bit, 3rd flee a little further & so on until he gut up to the first branch of the mulberry tree. I'm lucky on my eastside veranda here. How ya doing today sis? xox
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Re: Everything Birds



Re: Everything Birds

Birds 1.png

Re: Everything Birds

Hi @Former-Member, @Appleblossom,HeartHeart

I love Birds , This parrot loves the umbella trees up here with all the berries

I took a few more photos today xoxo


Re: Everything Birds

Wow @Shaz51 I wanna live where U live! They are beautiful.

@Former-Member Quiet day after busy busy time. I only drove son into town centre, did a big supermarket shop, the dishes and phone calls etc.

I just had a scammer on my computer charge me $199 US ... ruddy cheek

At supermarket .. a NEW phone scam guy approached me at entry to fruit & veg section .. same supermaket as last time .. I think he got the message .. I was nice .. used nice words .. but had my little anti IT gadget rant .. so I guess I have to be careful .. cant be too vague .. or get ripped off.  I felt sorry for hm as he had to deal with my annoyance for previous guy .. so I told him not to take it personally.

Re: Everything Birds

Hello @Appleblossom, @Former-Member xx

This is a Peewee Bird -- other name is Mudlark

Birds 2.jpg

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Re: Everything Birds

Oh my goodness @Shaz51, did you take these photos yourself? Amazing! I do like the rainbow Parrott & gorgeous blue wren with his herum. Thanks.
@Appleblossom, you're like me, empathising with thop keeper, easing his day. More people should beclike this. What's with these scammers? Sounds like ya on top of it. Nice to have you popping in here more xox

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Re: Everything Birds


We've had King Parrots around the house lately, a pair, they come real close and have that funny whistle call. Such bright red.