14-03-2025 07:58 PM
14-03-2025 07:58 PM
best to eat @StuF maybe get uber eats to get you going !
are you sore or just feel 'overtaxed' hot bath would work either way ? cup of tea? pain meds ? did otc pain stuff most of day here rubbed tiger balm on sorest spots , did a couple basic stretches , gave in , am drinking now lol plan was to do it like 11am couldnt
14-03-2025 08:10 PM
14-03-2025 08:10 PM
Mostly overtaxed @TAB
I did have half a pack of rice crackers earlier...which normally goes fine. Just feel like a bloated dead fish now.
Bath we have is too small lol
I will have some headache meds - good idea.
Can't even have another drink! lol
14-03-2025 08:16 PM
14-03-2025 08:16 PM
throw pce toast and boiled egg in w beef stock cube and bovril in hot water does wonders @StuF super easy to digest . body needs salt , can make you feel sick if none. ok or hydralite and some jelly or something icecream(yes ???)
14-03-2025 08:25 PM
14-03-2025 08:25 PM
@TAB! You're a Genius! You could charge for this! lol
(Plenty of salt from crackers earlier, I think...but ice cream...hadn't thought of That!)
14-03-2025 08:30 PM
14-03-2025 08:30 PM
if you have the stuff, ( @StuF >>) .. pancake w cottees topping and icecream, eat while hot and its melting icrecream .. lol
or an eggflip re sick food
mum used to put nutmeg in it not vanilla
You will need:
1 egg.
1 cup of milk.
1 tsp sugar.
1/8th tsp vanilla essence.
a stick blender.
A cup.
A jug to blend in.
A basic degree in "kitchening".
14-03-2025 08:36 PM
14-03-2025 08:36 PM
Good advice again @TAB but the ice cream alone hit the spot! Between that and the paracetamol I'm much improved. Bed soon 🙂
14-03-2025 08:41 PM
14-03-2025 08:41 PM
14-03-2025 08:44 PM
14-03-2025 08:44 PM
@StuF @greenpea @Glisten @Appleblossom @PeppyPatti
Lee Brilleaux is a legend lol
14-03-2025 08:49 PM
14-03-2025 08:49 PM
I love the comment from youtube: I’ve never seen a band who were consistently more pissed than their audience, but they nailed it every show.
14-03-2025 09:07 PM
14-03-2025 09:07 PM
guess you mean dr feelgood, I didnt notice that lol Legends ha ha @StuF
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