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Re: What to do

Babe, just take a breath it's ok. You are not adding to my stress, but I won't pretend not to be worried about you. But that what friends do they worry about weather their friend is ok and will make it safely through the night. @Eden1919 

Re: What to do

@Former-Member  I know you are an adult and can manage your own feelings I just always feel guilty because I feel like I am always making others feel bad and I hate that. It is probably more me feeling guilty than it is anything to do with you if that makes sense. I just wish I knew how to deal with things myself right now I wish I could manage myself I am so tired of not being able to be a functional independent human no matter how hard I try. 

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Re: What to do

@Eden1919 , oh honey I don't mange my feelings at all 😐 if you could see me when I am in the thick of a meltdown and then the days it takes to recover 😞 You know how i know/believe you will make it that functional adult you want to be???? Because you are trying so hard now to get the help that you need, you haven't given up, you aren't blaming it on others, you want to get better and believe me that is half the battle my sweet

Re: What to do

@Former-Member  Meltdowns are hard and so exhausting normally it takes me a week to get over one they just really zap you in a way that is not easy to describe. I hope we can both be in a better position eventually. It is just hard to get through the now part. I still feel so weird and I am hungry so hungry I have hardly eaten the last 4 days but I am still too scared. 

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Re: What to do

They most definitely are hard honey. Can I ask if you know why you are to scared to eat @Eden1919 

Re: What to do

@Former-Member  It is kind of a lot of things I mean I am always scared to eat because I have an eating disorder but also lately it has also been scary because I keep thinking people are like putting stuff in my food to hurt me and that if I eat things then bad things will happen. 

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Re: What to do

Honey that must be so hard for you. Is there any chance you can have just a little something to give you body so fuel? @Eden1919 

Re: What to do

@Former-Member  Probably not at the moment there is nothing I want to eat and I can’t cook something cause it is too late. 

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Re: What to do

Ok, please the first chance you get, just a little something please. @Eden1919 

Re: What to do

@Former-Member  I will try