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Re: What to do

@Eden1919  That is all I ask honey. Thank you 💖

Re: What to do

Well I tried calling kids helpline waited in the phone for half an hour no one answered then the phone hung itself up. I called back waited another 10 minutes still nothing and this time I hung up. I really don’t understand why this is so hard why is no one listening to me except the people who can’t actually help. Why is it that every time I try I am ignored or locked back I don’t understand everyone tells you to reach out if you aren’t coping but I keep trying and it keeps going wrong. 

Re: What to do

@Eden1919 I think it's great you tried. Is there anyone else you feel comfortable in calling.

Re: What to do

I'm here if there is something you need to talk about @Eden1919

Re: What to do

@The-red-centaur  No there is no one else left to call. I have tried the crisis team they have ignored me telling them I am not ok 6 times now and I only got out of the hospital a day ago after doing something (I tried calling them and speaking to them in person 5 times before that and they ignored me) they came to my house yesterday now and they ignored me when I again told them I wasn’t ok. I was only discharged because there were no beds anywhere and I couldn’t handle being locked in an interview room for another 2 days but I was supposed to be admitted. I tried kids helpline as well the other day, tried them again tonight nothing, I am so exhausted from trying and trying and trying to tell people I am not ok when I am struggling to even speak to begin with I don’t think I trust anyone anymore nd what is the point apparently there is no help out there for me anyway.  I can’t even get myself to go to bed because that would mean a shower first and I can’t get myself to shower because I just can’t but I don’t know why and everything is falling apart. 

Re: What to do

@Eden1919 I wish I could you give a hug and tell you you will be alright. I believe you can get through this.
I can relate to what you're saying. Ive ended in emergency for the fourth time in a week only to be told they can't help me and to go home.

Is there any option of going back to hospital and showing them what you have said here. The interview room may suck but you will be safe and things won't be able to hurt you there.

Showering is a chore I get that, can you try to sleep without the shower.

We can also just talk about anything if you need the distraction. I'll be here all night. Let me know what I can do.

Re: What to do

@The-red-centaur  Thanks, I am sorry you are in a similar situation it really sucks and is very exhausting. I can’t sleep unless I shower because of my ocd like I cannot lay in bed unless I am showered and can’t sleep unless that is done also. Idk the interview room makes me agitated because it is quiet and that makes the voices a lot worse and I can’t charge my phone and stuff so I can only listen to so much music, plus it is stuffy and gross and super uncomfortable in general. I just feel really lost and confused like I don’t even know what is happening or real anymore and I keep thinking I have something to hold onto but then next thing I know I am falling through the air again and I didn’t see it coming. 

Re: What to do

@Eden1919 I don't really know what to say.

I wish I could help... I cant even help myself atm.

Re: What to do

@The-red-centaur  It is ok I understand.  

Re: What to do

@Eden1919 whats one thing you can do rn. Even if it only keeps you busy for 5 min.