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Re: New Age Endeavours



Glad to hear that you are doing you! Be authentic and perfectly you. I love your style. I am new to all this crystal charging stuff. I have always been drawn to crystals and have bought small pieces over the years. This is the first time I am using them to absorb negative energy. Crystals can be protective. 


Re: New Age Endeavours

@Oaktree Happy Birthday today I trust you had a good day.


@Appleblossom @Glisten 


I have a kundalini yoga activation technique using breath of fire that you can do to raise your spiritual vibration. Everyone says to raise your spiritual vibration but they don't say how to do it....


Here is a video  on how to do the breath of fire kriya with the ego eradicator. Precautions as well as who can do it and who can't do it and so on are contained in this video. You want to do the ego eradicator position with arms at 45 degree angle with thumbs out and fingers pressed in.


I do it for 2 minutes but it says here for 3 minutes.  Here is an audio that will take you through the entire process. Breath of Fire starts at 22:46


It will put you up into higher levels of consciousness. Here is a table of consciousness created by David R Hawkins who was a former psychiatrist and venerated Bodhisattva western Saint. Oprah accepted him as her guru. I have read his books. His book: Power vs Force will raise you lots of kinesiological consciousness points which is massive because they are logarithmic which means it is more expansive in nature. Many people only shift one or two points in their lifetime or hover around the same number of points.  


For the purpose of this exercise the Breath of fire Kundalini Activation Technique ego eradicator will lift you into spiritual dimensions and raise your vibration. You will feel different and overall levels of enhancement as if a dramatic shift has taken place


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It serves to push you up into higher levels of consciousness, 4D and 5D




Here is a quick summary of how to do it in a table format for easy reference, you do the Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo chant first with hands in prayer pose 3x then root lock


Then you proceed to do the kundalini breath of fire kundalini activation technique ego eradicator.


This practice will eliminate all that stands in your way of self realisation


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KAT or Kundalini Activation TechniqueKAT or Kundalini Activation Technique





Re: New Age Endeavours

Hey @Oaktree how is your you tube channel going? Did you get your tripod to work?


I have just been taking up a free Audible credit to listen to an audio book on the scientific basis of crystal grids. I have done a couple of crystal grids in the past but it was nice to hear a book on how it can be understood by a reasoning mind and the rational explanation behind how it works in terms of morphogenics and "the field"


I have a lovely wooden flower of life grid which I've had for a while. Am intending on setting up a new grid soon to make new friends. Will be using picasso jasper as you can use that crystal to "find your tribe" but will have to select other crystals to complete the grid.


Here is a picture of my flower of life grid plus the audio book


My flower of life burnt crystal gridMy flower of life burnt crystal gridFree audio bookFree audio book


Re: New Age Endeavours



The crystal grid thing is interesting.

Maybe I need some of that picasso jasper. I could do with finding more of my tribe. We are a weird bunch. My tripod arrived but I haven’t used it yet. Doesn’t seem like it’s going to support the weight of my phone. Hubby says can’t change physics. I think I need to weight the tripod. It does have a hook on it.



Re: New Age Endeavours

I never could get my head around crystal grids. I went by faith but today got an indepth analysis of the science! lol Well it all makes sense now!!! Yes picasso jasper is good for finding your tribe. Every time I wear it beautiful people pop up in my life online but not in real life as I don't get out much, am in a semi regional part of Victoria so very isolating. I hope you are able to link up with folks of like-mind @Oaktree picasso jasper can take you there

Re: New Age Endeavours



I made a new tarot video for my youtube video today. New tripod worked great. I made a couple of mistakes though. I forgot to turn my ring light on and the video on the card was too close up and cut some of the words on the card off. Next time I won’t zoom in quite so much. Oh well, I am just learning. I haven’t done many videos yet.



Re: New Age Endeavours

@Oaktree I have a ring light for online video conference calls, it makes all the difference. You just got to make the correct light setting or you either get washed out or lost in the dark! I bought mine from Amazon several years ago and its still going. Anyway hopefully you'll get it all sorted! Putting yourself out there on you tube is a big endeavour

Re: New Age Endeavours

@Hopefulsoul @Oaktree @TAB @Appleblossom @Glisten and any other interested parties.


I study Human Design as a hobby which is a metaphysical evolutionary system for bringing out our dormant potentials from challenges we face in the form of universal themes. Each week something is activated in the Human Design template. A planet each week will enter a gate which activates something laying dormant within us wanting to be fully expressed in its healthiest aspect.


This week up for review the Human Design system focusses on our basic sense of trust and feeling vulnerable with others. Often if we have had negative experiences we can find it hard to trust again.


The Sun in Human Design this week is entering something called the Gate 19 of Attunement.  These gates all appear on a microcosmic map of the human body which is allegorical for the prevailing streams of energy bathing the human group consciousness. Youve heard the saying as above so as below!


We face a challenge within this gate of facing our own sensitivities when merging with others and revisioning how to have a strong and healthy sense of self when our trust has been broken in the past.


You don't have to know anything about Human Design but its an elegant system for understanding human behaviour and bringing out your own evolution as a soul. I have spoken to psychotherapists using it to set their clients on a path of true independence. 


Just by changing the way we think and re-pivot our lives we can have deep lasting changes and open up new tracts of experience for us to enjoy. Human Design is a true path to personal freedom. Anything delimiting laying in your consciousness can be easily addressed so you have nothing that is blocking you or hindering your life.


In the photos below there is the Human Design template for this week plus ways in which to work with elements of trust for self reflection and personal empowerment.  You can choose to journal and reflect about this topic in your life as its now coming up for review. Apart from journalling, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is a powerful energy psychology tool that has been specifically proven to change your emotional, mental and genetic programming to help your express your true potential. 


EFT is used in Human Design to upgrade and make evolutionary shifts by using non invasive meridian tapping you may have heard of EFT. When used with Human Design its a powerful tool for opening new doors of possibility.


For a medically reviewed article on EFT go here:


Short video on how to use EFT for Human Design:


With EFT a set up phase is used to free the negative energy associated with a particular theme in your life. In this case it is trust.  In the attachments below you can see EFT uses a setup phase. You use this phase while you tap key areas of the body and repeat with each point on the body with the setup pharse. Watch the EFT for Human Design you tube video on how to use the set up phrase. Its so simple to do and is highly effective.


Once you have an idea of what EFT here is an accessible format for the procedural steps for how to do it. Just follow the steps!


How to do EFT


To do EFT, follow these steps.

  1. Think of the issue of trust that's bothering you.
  2. Measure how your issue makes you feel.

    Rate how bad you feel on a scale from 0 to 10. A score of 0 means you don't feel bad at all. But a score of 10 means you feel as bad as possible. Write down this number.

  3. Create a statement that describes your issue, followed by a statement of self-acceptance.

    For example, you say, "Even though its scary to open my heart, I now choose to to create space for deep intimacy and love in my life and I deeply and completely love and accept myself."

  4. Tap repeatedly on the edge of your palm, below your little finger.

    While you tap, say your statement out loud 3 times.

  5. Now tap on the rest of the points on your body, one at a time.

    While you tap, state your issue over and over. For example, you might repeat "Scary to open my heart"  Tap on each point in this order.

    1. Tap on the top, center of your head.
    2. Tap on the inside edge of one eyebrow.
    3. Tap next to the outside edge of one eye.
    4. Tap on the bone underneath one eye.
    5. Tap between your nose and your upper lip.
    6. Tap between your lower lip and your chin.
    7. Tap beneath one collarbone (find the notch beneath the inside edge of the collarbone).
    8. Tap under one armpit (about 4 inches below the armpit).
  6. Stop and remeasure how you feel about your issue of trust
  7. Repeat the steps if needed.

    Tap until you can give your issue a lower number, or until you feel better.





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Re: New Age Endeavours

@tonys  take my spot ? Im off to get my head ,..........

Re: New Age Endeavours

That's wonderful thank you 😊 I will try this