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Re: Good Morning!

@TAB I think they still make them, as I have seen some while doing research on my PNC's.

Re: Good Morning!

okay @Mustang67 

Re: Good Morning!

Hello @Mustang67 theres lots of brands out there for earthing equipment which draw negative electrons from the earth. There is a free movie you can watch here to learn more about Earthing. It will interest you and will totally change your life.





The Earthing Movie is a documentary that reveals the scientific phenomenon of how we can heal our bodies by doing the simplest thing that a person can do- standing barefoot on the earth.

Re: Good Morning!

Good morning and good afternoon  @MDT  @MJG017 @Glisten @Meowmy @Oaktree @TAB @Shaz51 @Snowie @Adge  @Jynx  @oceangirl @Historylover @Appleblossom @Faith-and-Hope @StuF @SmilingGecko @StanD @Emelia8 @Sophia1 @Clawde @tonys @SmilingGecko @Mustang67 @PeppyPatti @Bill16 @tyme and everyone here this Thursday afternoon. I hope your day has gone well for you!


@tyme Yes, I am a twin - identical- and whilst it’s been fun at times, it’s also been very difficult as well. Things to do with friendships and relationships have often been difficult with my twin trying to be constantly controlling in the respect that she’s allowed friendships and relationships yet I’m not allowed for some unknown reason. I don’t know whether it’s a twin thing (very curious to find this out!) or the simple fact that if I have another person in my life, it means that they can help me and be on my side and help me in regards to the things she does to me and she doesn’t like this. She has admitted to me that she believes my housemate is trouble and is holding me back and she doesn’t like her when in fact my housemate is my best friend and has always been 100% supportive of me and what I do. It’s because of my housemate that I was able to complete my Certificate IV in Leisure and Health over the past year or so and actually complete my practical placement when I failed it the first time. My housemate has also been the person to deal with all the rental problems that have happened over the past 8 years when I have struggled with this element. My sister also works full time and likes to tell me what I can spend my money on - definitely not a second cruise which she expects me to cancel as she believes I won’t have housing next year in September - and according to her, will take at least 18 months which I’ll be living with her and away from my housemate which she expects me to discontinue the friendship with her. She believes I’m not allowed to have nice things or expensive things as I’m on Centrelink and deserve to have poor items, including housing and poor standard items, as anything even somewhat decent is an issue for her as she can afford it and is therefore competition in her eyes. This coming from someone who has electrical issues with her house that she has a mortgage on and car problems which she should really be spending money on yet prefers to ignore these issues and put the money away on cruise ship holidays instead (I’ve been made aware by a person in house insurance that her house won’t be covered if anything happens because of the known issues which she refuses to acknowledge or deal with). There are other issues similar to this regarding her finances and how she goes about her life but I won’t go into it as I believe there are mental health concerns at play. Add to this, I’m pretty sure there is jealousy behind her motives in that she didn’t like that I got my submission to the Victorian Royal Commission into Mental Health accepted and published as she read the copy I asked her to print for me at work and said it was all lies when in fact, it was all true and she didn’t like what she read (I see this as karma as she shouldn’t have read my submission when it had nothing to do with her in the first place). My twin likes to believe she is the writer in the family so to get something published really annoyed her and obviously hurt her ego which she couldn’t handle. 


I am trying to be strong regarding the rental housing issue but it is hard - thank goodness for my housemate/best friend who is in the situation with me. I do think some landlords have an issue with Centrelink which is wrong considering it’s a stable income payment but I can’t change their attitudes. I also believe that property managers have too much influence and power and like to use this in regards to what people they put forward to potential landlords. The property manager that inspected our unit on Monday came out with a second staff member and caused my housemate to be so upset that she thought about seeking mental health treatment because of her. My housemate is now speaking to her legal team that has been on our case since we got told about our notice to vacate and they aren’t impressed the point where the property manager could be in serious trouble in regards to discrimination comments and the like. Oh, and there is now a potential legal case coming to the landlord over mould in the unit and the issues of both of us being sick for 18 months which we mistakenly put down to cat fur causing our respiratory issues which the landlord knew about when the unit flooded and which they never did anything about. Let’s just say there’s still fun and games with this current rental property to be had and it’s not going to end well!


Tonight, I’m planing to chill out in front of the TV and relax.


Thanks everyone for all of your concerns regarding me and my issues! It’s very much appreciated☺️

Take care!



Re: Good Morning!

It sounds like even though you are identical, you are very different and live very different lives. Is that fair to say? @Judi9877