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Re: My Place

@Oaktree YUM now I’m hunger. Too late a night to eat.


Re: My Place

Sounds great @Oaktree 🙂 I've been on a similar trip with NDIS too and it's great to get away and see some sights! Thank you for sharing about your trip! RiverSeal 

Re: My Place

Hi @tonys 


How are you doing? How is the recuperation going? I am glad that you were able to be there for our friend Emelia8 the other night. I think it meant a lot to her that you kept her company. Thinking of you and hoping that you are well.

Senior Contributor

Re: My Place

Hi @Oaktree   Just letting everyone Know my flash new oled screen on my computor is flashing all wierd colours,  lines and squares.  I think it on its last legs,  so could be without a laptop till its repaired.


Can hardly see what I'm typing and then sometimes it just goes black.   Sorry about your plant show 

@Oaktree ,   Bit of cool rain might be a good thing though.


Hope every one is going ok .  well I better keep this short before it shuts down again.


@EternalFlower   @Former-Member   @Emelia8 .   hope you feel a little better mate.   @ENKELI  @Meowmy 

@Historylover   @Tilz  @Appleblossom  @Dimity  @Jynx   and everyone.

Sorry to use your thread for a billboard Oaktree.   but this laptop is about to fold any minut I'm afraid.



Re: My Place



Sorry about your computer, hope you get it fixed or replaced under warranty.

So the weather turned out not so bad here the last 2 days, no rain. So instead of going to the garden festival I took hubby for a drive out to Guildford Garden Centre. It’s quite a long way from here so it was an adventure. I bought some white star seed potatoes which are a good all round potato and 2 kinds of seed garlic. Roja and Italian purple. I will plant the garlic around my Brussel sprouts. I also stopped in at Bunnings on the way home and bought 4 bags of cow manure and 4 bags of compost to dig into my raised beds 

Re: My Place

Hey @tonys good luck making the transition from a crook computer to a better one. I am waiting for a magic new one to appear on my doorstep.



@Oaktree @@great to hear you are still on the job…. 

just singing a cooee….

Senior Contributor

Re: My Place

Thanks  @Appleblossom ..    Yes that computor was my favourite  toy.   But if you are doing a cooeee

then its sounds like the repair patch is holding on your inner tube,  Apple,  

Good work mate,   Nice to see you shimmering a smile again..              tonys..

Senior Contributor

Re: My Place

Hi  @Oaktree .   I had a rush of blood to the head day in the garden too and paroled a few plants from 

their terracotta bondage.  Soils warm and the rain is consistent.    Definatley planting time.


Good you got out and filled your day and had a nice day mate.   I better go and do something useful.

  Nite    mate..                         tns


Re: My Place



Thanks for the cooee! Sending love your way.


Hi @tonys 


It will be another month before the weather turns here. Looking forward to some rain as long as it’s raining when I don’t have outdoor plans. Dug the manure and compost into one raised bed today. 3 to go tomorrow.

Re: My Place



Sorry that you felt like you upset someone the other day. I can understand your confusion. I got told I was being negative in my posts the other day but I don’t remember being especially negative. I just complained about the weather because it didn’t match my plans. When it was pointed out to me, I was terribly confused and didn’t post anymore that day. I am not autistic so I can see how the feelings of confusion would be worse for you. I just wanted to let you know that I understand and that you shouldn’t let it worry you too much. Just move on as best as you can.

Love and hugs to you Bro

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